Private Lessons give time and space for an individual exploration of the Alexander Technique. 

 Traditionally the Alexander Technique is taught one-to-one. In-person lessons are happening again, this time in our well-ventilated garden room.

Zoom lessons are also an option. When touch is impossible verbal guidance becomes intrinsic as well as the mirroring potential of seeing ourselves on screen.

All of us have a well-used set of postural habits that influences our activities - from running a marathon to doing the washing up.  A private lesson gives us the time and space to observe and address our unique patterns of thought and movement. 

With gentle hands-on guidance (where possible) and verbal encouragement we can learn to quieten and calm our body's initial reaction to a stimulus, perhaps a simple suggestion to sit in a chair. This pause before action allows time for our natural balance and poise - often hidden for years - to reassert itself and the subsequent movements can seem wonderfully easy and fluid.

Where the Alexander Technique meets your life:

I teach artists who are mothers and grandmothers, concert musicians who cycle, maths students who play tennis, many university lecturers who between them dance, run, write, meditate and play chess, an accountant who studies mindfulness, psychotherapists and counsellors, book-sellers, film-makers, social workers, financial directors, school children with exam stress and nonagenarians exploring life after the death of a spouse.

So often people come with back pain but find themselves surprised by the many applications of the Technique to their interests, hobbies, skills and loves. 

Contact me to discuss how this exceptionally practical technique can enhance those activities that make your life what it is and make you who you are.

Sarah Bonner-Morgan Mobile: 0777 3570395

A mini-lesson to get you started

Choose an action - but don’t do it!

For instance make a decision to pick up your phone.  If you are reading this on your mobile, you might choose raising your other arm.

Watch what happens as you DON’T carry out your original idea.

See where your attention has gone. Our thoughts are lightening fast.

See if you can let go of the whole idea of doing whatever it was. It might take a while.

Be patient.

Watch your thinking and your body’s response to NOT doing anything.

Notice your breathing, your vision, little twitches and wriggles as your muscles re-establish balance. You might notice the room coming back into view, sounds from inside or outside, perhaps your breathing relaxing. Be curious, be fascinated.

Now, from the new place of observation, choose your next action and actually carry it out.

How was it?

How are you?